
Sunday, August 10, 2014

OWH Sketch Challenge #236

I have been pretty absent from my blog lately, mostly for wonderful reasons!!!

Sandy introduced me to Marti, a wonderful lady in my area.  Marti found that she wasn't papercrafting like she used to (she fell in love with yarn), and wanted to pass on her supplies to another OWHer.  OMG.  I had no idea what I was in for.  3 small truckloads later, my house is full of boxes of incredible goodies.  It has been overwhelming at times, in a good way.  Every box is another Christmas morning.  Luckily, I have other OWH friends who have been helping me sort and divide Marti's stash amongst us.  One of them is a fairly new cardmaker!!  Boy, did she go home with some boxes of Marti love!!!!  I cannot tell you how grateful I am to her for her generosity.  My blog followers will find that I will be giving away candy more often, thanks to her!!

I have been challenging myself to make cards using ONLY Marti's supplies.  It only been hard because there are so many wonderful choices. 

If you are missing the OWH weekly challenges, check out the monthly challenge at   This month's challenge is "From darkness to light". 

Here is this weeks' sketch and my version:

 Only the Spellbinder dies and the embossing folders were mine.  Thank you Marti! 

Sandy asked the question this week in one of the OWH TV segments:  What do you do if a challenge is outside your comfort zone, or you just don't like it.  Me?  I do it anyway.  How will I know what I can do, or what I like, if I don't try?  Case in point, my last OWH sketch challenge (click to look at my awful card).  I HATED that card.  I made it at least 3 times using different color combinations, different embellishments, etc.  I never liked the outcome, and I posted it anyway.  I got some great suggestions from readers.  Maybe someone saw what they shouldn't do.  Maybe someone was encouraged to see that other people have epic fails too.  BTW, I removed the flowers and tossed the rest.  It is OK to put cards in the recycling bin!!!


  1. So fun, love how you used all of Marti's stuff, a challenge within a challenge! Love the extra embossing and punched border!

  2. Lucky you and how wonderful that you are sharing your goodies. Me, I usually try to muddle through until it becomes something I like. If it doesn't make it, I do not hesistate to toss. Well done on the card...the elements really tie together nicely!
