
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

OWH MWTD Hexagons

This week's challenge is to make a card using a hexagon shape;  Here is mine:
American Crafts My Girl paper.  I am trying so hard to use the entire 6x6 pad, but I am struggling to use up the last bits...


  1. Bobbie, this is a darling card and it really made me smile because I just finished a card for W2SB that has the same sore of theme. something inside of something else. Can't wait for you to see it. Have a great evening.

  2. What a fun card with all of the hello word bubbles on top of the hexagons and mini hex background paper, too !

  3. I love all the Hello's on the hexagons! Really sweet!

  4. Love those conversation balloons and how you used them on the hexagons. The background paper is the perfect paper for this challenge, too!

  5. I, too, love the Hello bubble and hexagon combo. If you manage to finish off that pad of paper, you're a better crafter than I am. Don't think I've ever completely finished one. :)

  6. This is just too cool! I love the hexes and word bubbles all saying hello in the most cheerful way! The background paper with the teeny tiny hexes is just precious! NJ!

  7. It looks like you're doing a great job to me. I love the repeating sentiment and hexagons in this. Nice job!
