
Monday, April 29, 2013

I shipped 82 cards to OWH!!!!

I am well on my way to my Operation Write Home goal of 365 cards in 2013.  I shipped 65 cards earlier this year, and another 82 today. 

I know that I am not the most prolific card maker, but I take pride in the care, effort, and (hopefully) quality I try to include in every card.  And I am encouraged to know that I am not alone in praying over each one, for the safety of the sender, and the strength of the recipient. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you. It is better to be good than fast. What is it Sandy says? Quality not Quantity. I'm sure these wonderful heroes of ours know the difference by now and it is nice that they know we put as much effort into making there cards as they do protecting us. You always do a wonderful job with your cards.
