
Monday, April 15, 2013

3 Ribbons and 3 Buttons Thank You Card

 I have has this beautiful EK Success ribbon for a long time, but never could find card stock that worked well with the unique colors.  I saw a card on Paper Pleats that solved my problem!!!  I love how this turned out. 

I will be making more of these, but will use a stamp that is a little more formal to better reflect the elegance of the ribbon. 

Design Boot Camp this month at Operation Write Home is using odd numbers of elements, or The Rule of Threes.  Three ribbons, three buttons!!  I also think it adheres to the Rule of Thirds in the placement of the ribbons. 

Scrap Your Stash has a ribbon challenge - make a project using ribbon, but you are NOT allowed to buy anything new. 


  1. Nice card Bobbi! What a striking color comb on this ribbon. I have a lot of printed ribbon that I just *had* to have and like you have often found it's really hard to make it work with other papers etc. This really is a nice design to showcase pretty ribbon like these and your buttons do fall pretty close to that bottom left, rule of thirds 'sweet spot' too. Thanks for joining in the April Bootcamp.

  2. I love that ribbon and your placement of it makes for a very interesting card. I like your ticker counter on your blog - nice to see you've got a goal for this year. I don't think I could make that many cards, but you go girl!

  3. That a great idea for ribbons! These patterns look great together and they really carry the design of the card well. Thank you for putting so much love and caring into every card you make for our troops, as well as your prayers. Blessings to you! :)
