
Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 10 of 2012!

 Happy New Year!  May your future be full of happiness and joy.

I have been blessed by Operation Write Home and the support and inspiration provided by so many card makers.  I have definitely received much more than I have given.

Here are my 10 favorite cards of 2012.  I only started blogging in late August, so I didn't have a lot of cards from which to choose!!  Below each picture, I linked back to the original post. 
Love the colors, papers, sentiment - love it completely!!  My favorite of the year.  AND - my first blog post.  Coincidence?  I think not!!!!! 
Simple, but the fab paper, along with the textured background and great embellishments make the simple fabulous.  

Purses, leopard.  'Nuff said.  

Purple and green goodness.  The pearls add so much. 

While not the greatest visually, I learned SO much in the process of making this card, it deserves a spot on my top list.  

 Looks SO much better in person.  This is an Ohio Star quilt pattern, made to represent my home state for an OWH VCMP challenge.  Learned a lot!

This year, I started doing the sketch challenges.  I find them, well, challenging.  Guess that is the point?!?!?  

 Another sketch challenge, was happy with how the papers worked together.  A special birthday card for my very entertaining sister. 

I love the look of triple time cards, but hate the bulk.  So, I made an SVG to use with cutters and designer papers.  

Learning to use vellum stickers and an old sketch challenge. 

Make it a great New Year.  Random acts of kindness can mean so much to someone - challenge yourself to pay it forward!!


  1. A terrific collection of cards! Love what you did with the triple time stamp idea. Happy New Year!

  2. So happy we don't have to choose a favorite. They are all very well put together.
    Hummer Hugs,
    hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

  3. GREAT cards. LOve the purses and the Subway art card!! Happy New Year!

  4. Great selection. "I like your style!"

  5. Hi Bobbi, I loved seeing your top ten cards and I'm inspired! Your "triple time stamping" card appears to be designer paper, what a great way to use some of our DP - pure genius!

    Happy New Year!

  6. Beautiful cards! I love the triple time one!

  7. Hi Bobbi! What a gorgeous collection of cards, showcasing many different techniques. I was hooked from your first card, with its delicious colors and creative placement of the tag and purse. I also love your beautiful quilt card. So glad you started blogging; just joined as a follower. Happy New Year!

  8. Hi Bobbi,

    First of all, I'm sooooo glad that we had a chance to meet this year. Wishing you all the best in 2013!

    'Nuff said, indeed! What a wonderful collection of cards, but my favorite has to be the leopard purses. Love the print and black combo -- and the little ribbon handles are adorable.

  9. Very nice group of cards. I particularly like the quilted design and how you added the embossing texture to it. Great idea! Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year! A great collection of cards for last year.

  11. I too, feel I've receieved more than I've given from the OWH family. Great cards! Here's to a wonderful year of learning more things... :)

  12. Bobbie, your cards all very nice. I stopped at the first card because it was so cute and beautiful. You are using designer papers very well. Thanks so much for inspiration. Happy New Year!

  13. These are awesome - and I especially love that you included a card you learned a lot from. Some of my bonehead cards probably deserved a spot on my post, just because they changed my thinking in some way!
    Happy new year!

  14. I've really enjoyed looking at your cards! Your quilt was so neat--I love that look and the embossing. Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!

  15. Loved them all! Especially the first one. Pat Kinkaid

  16. Awesome cards! I really like the quilted card with the texture added. It make it look much more like a real quilt. Happy New Year!

  17. Great cards!! Love both of the purses... I see a CASE coming ;)

  18. Great cards! My favorite is the one with the tag. I have that set and you've inspired me on a new way to use it.

  19. Nice cards...I like that they are simple but visually appealing.

  20. Fantastic collection Bobbi. I love the quilt card and what you did with the Triple Time card. Happy New Year!

  21. You've been making some fabulous cards all year! I love the ohio star quilt card, all those cute purses, and the jingle all the way card! NJ on them all, and a very Happy New Year!

  22. Hi Bobbi! I absolutely adore that first card and may be CASEing it in the future. I helped a friend with ideas for graduation that included purses. Keep us the great work! tfs!!!

  23. Love all of these cards! I agree the first one you posted is fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing your top 10!

  24. Great collection; I always love to see what you have been up to. Love the tag cards and those purses are adorable. Have a great New Year!

  25. You make such beautiful cards- your triple time card is stunning! I really like your choice of yummy papers and how you use them!

  26. Fabulous cards! I love the quilt card and the embossing you used on so many of them. I usually only emboss solid colors and I like the look of it on DP paper. Happy New Year!

  27. Great cards. I really like that quilt card too! I never thought of doing the Triple Time with patterned paper, what a wonderful idea!

  28. Love the purses and quilt cards! Great selection of cards!

  29. your first card is my favorite too! love green and grey (silver?) together. so pretty!

  30. Awesome job Bobbi! You're off to a great start! Keep up the excellent work. Your Blog is beautiful as is your mission. Thanks for joining us at OWH!! :)

  31. Nice cards here! I especially like the green & purple floral one, and I agree with you that the pearls are a fantastic finishing touch on it. The blues and browns and the embossed texture of the truck card make a wonderful masculine card. Great job on the quilted star card, too. Keep 'em coming!

  32. All great cards, Bobbi! Your comment on the purses made me laugh out loud - "Purses. Leopard. Nuff said." Hahahahaha!!
