
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Woo Hoo! I shipped 78 Cards to Operation Write Home today!!!

I am so pleased with myself.  I shipped 78 cards to Operation Write Home today - and NOT ONE was a Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas card!!   This time of year, they get a lot of different holiday cards, but not as many general cards as they need.  I try to make the cards that are in short supply. 

I updated the ticker at the top of my blog.  I still need to make 145 cards between now and the end of the year to reach my goal of a card a day for the year.  My son started school today, so I hope that I work in a little more crafting time.  As much as I like more crafting time, I am sad to have to get back into the school routine. 

But I think that dogs were even more unhappy to see him go:

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